Earlier this spring we decided to expand our goat herd from two goats (weathered pets) to 4 goats (two dairy goats), The problem with growing the herd was the need for a larger pen. Our goats had been living happily with our ducks, but at this point we needed a place of their own.
My solution as usual was to build something out of scavenged resources. Below you will see the finished pen. Most of it was made out of pallets, some handmade posts and some of the small tree trunks from the land we cleared for the goats.
Here is a view of the middle of the pen. I made them a little log pile to climb on as well.
Here is a view from the gate. I framed the gate with tree trunks and used an old chain link fence door that I got for free.
Here is the goat hay bucket, It's just a rubbermaid bucket with a couple of holes cut in it for the hay.
You can see here a little shade spot I made out of the pallets and a piece of plywood
And here is a picture of the two weathers hanging out in their new pens before the new dairy goats showed up.
The one thing that isn't in the picture is the left side of their pen with their goat house. I have a post on that to share as well.
Overall cost for this project?? I'm not really sure. $30 maybe? Basically just the cost of screws and I also coated the bottom of the posts in roofing tar to help keep them from rotting. I won't do that again. I was a pain and probably not worth it.
I figure I'll get a few years of of this pen before needing to do some repairs.
The only other addition since then was raising the fences up about 3 feet. One of our goats loves to try and escape and he would jump the fence. After raising the walls he is staying right where he belongs
As usual leave comments below and I'll be glad to answer and questions.
- Chuck
Have you had any trouble with your goats getting out over top the pallet fence?